Helping you enjoy being at home more
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Enhance your life with support from the Lutheran Aged Care – Home Care team.
Living in your own home, within your community, surrounded by your friends is important and we want to help you extend your time, living at home for as long as possible. We offer a range of aged care services at home to help you with your personal care, domestic duties and wellbeing.
Lutheran Home Care Services has over 26 years of experience in delivering private and government-funded aged care in the home. We are proudly local, offering aged home care within Albury with a distinct passion for delivering quality services to suit a diverse variety of needs. From low to high care, dementia and complex care needs and transition to residential care facilities, Lutheran Home Care Services is committed to your wellbeing and care 24 hours a day.
Lutheran aged home care services are developed to reflect and embody our values. The values of Lutheran Aged Care guide the attitudes and behaviours of our board, management, staff and volunteers.
Christian Love and Acceptance of all underpins all that we do and say.
Excellence is driven in all that we do.
Diversity of people and services and inclusivity of all people.
Respect and Dignity for all with whom we have contact.
Professionalism in our dealings with people.
Honesty and Transparency in all that we do and say
Contact us today to find out how we can assist you or how to register with the Commonwealth Government for your Home Care Package (HCP)
The Home Care package is assigned by the government based on your assessed needs. A package can be designed that includes (but isn’t limited to) any of the items included below:
Domestic Care
- Bill Payments
- Cleaning and Housework
- Cupboard Tidying
- Errands and Shopping
- Home Cooked Meals and Meal Preparation
- Home Maintenance
- Lawn Mowing
- Light Gardening
- Moving (in or out)
- Pantry Cleaning
- Personal Laundry
- Spring Cleaning
Personal care
- Accompanied Medical Appointments
- Assistance with Meals
- Communication Aids
- Continence Management
- Dietary Planning
- Dressing and Grooming Assistance
- Foot and Nail Care
- Mobility Assistance
- Respite Care
- Showering and Bathing Assistance
- Toileting and Personal Hygiene
- Community Outings
- Complementary Therapies
- Counselling and Pastoral Care
- Craft and Hobbies
- Exercise Programs
- Falls Prevention Program
- Life History Documenting
- Memory Support Programs
- Reading and Writing Assistance
- Referral to Support Services
- Reminiscing Activities
- Socialising Activities
- Volunteer Activities
Clinical Care
Lutheran Home Care Services also includes a range of clinical care service options which can be selected based on your clinical needs:
- Registered Nursing Support
- Wound Care
- Clinical Assessments
- Administration of Specific Medications and Application of Treatments
- Liaison with Medical/Health Professionals
- Arranging Allied Health and other Support Services
Lutheran Home Care Services will tailor support to your needs and wishes. Our team will consult with you to develop your personalised care plan and to make changes as needed. Your care is about you after all. Nothing will occur about you, without you!
Keeping you connected
Have you thought about how technology can help you stay in touch with your family? Lutheran Home Care Services packages can include smart devices such as computers, phones and tablets to help you keep connected with friends and family.
Keeping you mobile
Mobility is central to independence, and Lutheran Home Care Services offer numerous solutions that can assist you in remaining active and mobile. This includes referrals to physiotherapy, falls and balance groups and occupational therapy assessment for mobility aids. Package funds can assist in purchasing walkers, wheelchairs and other equipment.
Keeping you safe
Maintaining your safety equals peace of mind for you and your family. Lutheran Home Care Services can include personal alarms and monitoring equipment in addition to recliners, shower chairs within your package.
Pet care
Lutheran Home Care Services can also care for your pets! Ask us about pet walking, feeding and general care as a part of your package.
Future planning
We offer a range of other care options that you may require in the future, all under the one organisation with the services and reputation that you have come to love and trust:
- Residential Care Services
- Advanced Care Planning
- Advocacy, including support with Guardianship Applications, and
- Respite Care
Need to know more about Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP)
Flexible Respite Care (delivered through the Federal Government’s Commonwealth Home Support Program) is short term care that provides support for you and your carer. It gives your carer a break while your ongoing care needs are supported by our skilled team.
How does it work?
- In-home day respite – daytime support for carers of clients needing assisted support in the carer’s or the client’s home
- In-home overnight respite – overnight support for carers of clients needing assisted support in the carer’s or the client’s home
- Community access-individual – one-on-one structured activities, such as outings, to give clients the opportunity for social and community interaction; maintain or support independent living, and offer respite to their carer
- Host family day respite – day care for the client in another person’s home.
- Host family overnight respite – overnight care for the client while in the care of a host family
You may be eligible for services under the Commonwealth Home Support Programme if you are:
- 65 years or older, or 50 years or older and identify as an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person, or 50 years or older and on a low income, homeless or at risk of homelessness
- still living at home
- in need of help at home to continue to live independently.
To find out if you need an assessment and if you are eligible for help at home services, you should call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422. The My Aged Care staff will ask you questions about your current needs and circumstances so they can refer you to appropriate aged care services.
You will need to have a Regional Assessment Service assessment before you can be approved for care.
To learn more about our Home care services, please get in touch.
Select Care, offering personalised home care services specifically tailored for your needs
If you do not qualify for a government home care support package or want something that is more tailored to your specific needs, don’t worry – we can help.
We can design a tailor-made home care support package specifically for your individual needs and budget.
Home care video tour
Frequently Asked Questions
Generally, no. This ensures that services reach as many people as possible. If you’re receiving a Home Care Package, it also means your care and services are paid through a single budget.
There are some special circumstances where you can access short-term CHSP services while receiving a HCP and your budget is fully allocated. Talk to your assessor first to see what options are available. To find out more, call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422.
Read more about Home Care Packages – https://www.myagedcare.gov.au/assessment-decision-home-care-packages
If you’re able to manage, but need support with a few tasks at home, you might be eligible for support through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP).
If you need many care and support services on an ongoing basis to help you live independently, a Home Care Package may be more suitable. This will provide a package of care and services and go beyond what the CHSP can provide.
Read more about help at home https://www.myagedcare.gov.au/help-at-home
If you are eligible, there are a range of aged care services that can help you live independently at home.
There are services that keep you well and independent such as food preparation, help with showering or dressing, help managing medications, and help to maintain your mobility. Some keep you safe at home such as cleaning, home maintenance, and mobility aids. Others allow you to interact with your community such as transport to appointments or activities, in-home social calls, and group activities.
An assessment through My Aged Care will determine which of these services you are eligible to receive. Click on the link to apply for an assessment –
There are four different levels of Home Care Package, depending on your care needs:
- Level 1: Basic assistance – Help with tasks such as cleaning, grooming, meals, shopping and transport.
- Level 2: Low care needs – The same as Level 1, but visits may be more frequent depending on your needs.
- Level 3: Intermediate care – More support at home, most days of the week can be arranged. This can include visits from a care worker, nurse, and medical staff.
- Level 4: High-level care – For high level or complex care needs, which can include daily or multiple daily visits.
For more info – https://www.myagedcare.gov.au/help-at-home/home-care-packages
Help at home can look different for different people. You might need help with shopping and cooking. Maybe you need some home modifications.
You can receive government-subsidised help at home through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme, or through a Home Care Package.
>To find out which program you are eligible for, you need to apply for an assessment. You can apply online or call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422.
>Read more about the assessment process – https://www.myagedcare.gov.au/assessment